What are cluster headache symptoms?

What are cluster headache symptoms?

Cluster headaches tend to have very recognizable symptoms. When symptoms set in, it usually only takes 5 to 10 minutes for them to reach their worst. Common symptoms include one sided head pain and other symptoms involving the eye, nose and skin on the same side as the pain.

Pain from cluster headaches

Pain from cluster headaches has a few notable features:

  • Often described as a burning or piercing feeling.
  • Lasts 15 minutes to 3 hours at a time.
  • Typically felt on the same side of the head in the current cycle — rarely may switch in the future.
  • Always centered behind one eye but can spread over the affected side’s forehead, temple, nose and gums.
  • Can make you feel like you can’t sit still and need to pace, unlike the relief lying down provides for migraines.

Other cluster headache symptoms

Cluster headaches may also cause:

  • Congestion: Your nose may run or become stuffy only on the side of the headache
  • Eye problems: You may experience a drooping eyelid, eye pain or a watering eye. Your pupil (black center of the eye) may also look smaller. These symptoms appear on the same side of the head as headache pain.
  • Face changes: You may start sweating and your face may become flushed on the side of the headache.

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