what are chances of recovery in Adult Hodgkin Lymphoma?
what are chances of recovery in Adult Hodgkin Lymphoma?
The prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options depend on the following:
- The patient's signs and symptoms, including whether or not they have B symptoms (fever for no known reason, weight loss for no known reason, or drenching night sweats).
- The stage of the cancer (the size of the cancer tumors and whether the cancer has spread to the abdomen or more than one group of lymph nodes).
- The type of Hodgkin lymphoma.
- Blood test results.
- The patient's age, sex, and general health.
- Whether the cancer is newly diagnosed, continues to grow during treatment, or has come back after treatment.
For Hodgkin lymphoma during pregnancy, treatment options also depend on:
- The wishes of the patient.
- The age of the unborn baby.
Adult Hodgkin lymphoma can usually be cured if found and treated early.