What are benign fibrous tumors of the pleura?

What are benign fibrous tumors of the pleura?

The pleura is the smooth, pale yellow transparent membrane that lines the thorax and envelopes the lungs. Its function is to protect and cushion the lungs.

The most common tumors that occur in the pleura are malignant (cancerous) forms of mesothelioma caused by exposure to asbestos. But sometimes fibrous tumors unrelated to asbestos exposure can develop in the pleura. These can be either malignant or benign (non-cancerous).

Benign fibrous tumors of the pleura are sometimes called solitary fibrous tumors. They make up approximately 78% to 88% of non-mesothelioma tumors of the pleura. Fibrous tumors of the pleura are much less common than mesothelioma tumors of the pleura.

Benign fibrous tumors of the pleura are confined to the surface of the lung, where they start.

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