If I was exposed to asbestos through my job, does that increase health risks for my family members?

If I was exposed to asbestos through my job, does that increase health risks for my family members?

It is possible to have “secondhand” asbestos exposure, called “paraoccupational exposure.” When a person works with asbestos materials, they can bring home particles on their shoes, clothing, skin and hair. Some evidence shows that family members of people who are heavily exposed to asbestos have a higher risk of developing mesothelioma.

To decrease this risk, most jobs that use asbestos materials make sure that the workers change when they arrive and leave work. Most companies also have showers available for employees to clean particles from hair and skin. Trained employees who wear protective clothing launder the contaminated clothing. These precautions lower the risk of family members developing any diseases. If you are exposed to asbestos at work, talk to your healthcare provider about other precautions you and your family can take.

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