How is cervical kyphosis treated surgically?

How is cervical kyphosis treated surgically?

If you're experiencing pain or neurological symptoms, like muscle weakness, tingling or coordination issues, your provider may recommend surgery. The type of surgery will depend on whether your neck has some flexibility or is rigid, such as in ankylosing spondylitis. Surgeons have several techniques to repair the cervical spine, including:

  • Posterior approaches, where they enter through the back of your neck.
  • Anterior approaches, where they access the spine near your throat.
  • Combined anterior and posterior approaches.

Surgeons may cut or remove portions of bones or put in metal plates, rods or screws. Overall, the goals for surgery are to:

  • Relieve compression of your spinal cord and nerves.
  • Restore the shape of your spine.
  • Stabilize your spine.

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