How is cerebral palsy diagnosed?

How is cerebral palsy diagnosed?

To diagnose cerebral palsy, your healthcare provider will check your child’s muscle tone, motor skills, coordination and movement. Your provider will ask several questions about your baby’s development and birth history. You should share information about milestones your baby has reached, as well as any delays.

Your healthcare provider may order imaging scans to see a clear picture of your child’s brain. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans show the location and severity of brain damage. These images allow your child’s provider to make an accurate diagnosis and recommend the most effective therapies. However you don’t need an imaging scan to diagnose cerebral palsy, so your child’s provider may recommend waiting until they’re older to avoid having to place your child under anesthesia for the study. Or they may suggest your child gets the scan at the same time that they’re under anesthesia for another procedure or test.

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