How do you get Campylobacter infection?

How do you get Campylobacter infection?

A Campylobacter infection starts after someone eats or drinks something with the bacteria. Uncooked or undercooked food can lead to an infection. Some common foods that can have Campylobacter are:

  • Chicken.
  • Dairy products that have not been pasteurized (sterilized to kill bacteria).
  • Produce.
  • Seafood.
  • Untreated water.

You can also get the bacteria from accidentally touching the waste (poop) of an infected animal. Cats and dogs can both carry Campylobacter. And some people have gotten infected after handling puppies for sale at a pet store. Always make sure you wash your hands after cleaning up after an infected pet or handling unfamiliar animals.

Older people and the very young have the highest infection risk. Also, people with weaker immune systems can more easily get infected. Weakened immune systems can come from cancer treatment, immunodeficient states, being a smoker or drinking large amounts of alcohol.

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