How do I take care of myself during treatment for Burkitt lymphoma?

How do I take care of myself during treatment for Burkitt lymphoma?

Burkitt lymphoma treatment can be challenging. Apart from physical side effects, you or your child may need to stay in the hospital for days at a time, disrupting school, work and family life. Here are some suggestions that may help you:

  • Ask your provider what to expect from your treatment so you can make plans. If you or your child will be in the hospital for several days, tap your network of family and friends who may be able to help friends at home.
  • Treatment can be exhausting, and you or your child may feel fatigued even after completing treatment. Give yourself and them time to rest and heal.
  • Some children feel self-conscious about treatment side effects or simply being away from friends and school for treatment. Ask your provider about child life specialist services. These are people with experience helping children navigate being sick. They’ll have suggestions that may help.
  • Cancer treatment can affect your appetite or your child’s appetite at a time when eating well plays a big part in getting better. Your provider may recommend you speak with a nutritionist who can suggest foods and meal ideas.

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