How do healthcare providers treat broken fingers?

How do healthcare providers treat broken fingers?

Finger fracture treatment depends on the location and severity of the fracture. Your provider will also look at whether your fracture is stable or unstable.

If you have a stable fracture, your provider may splint your injured finger or may tape it to the finger next to it. The splint keeps your finger straight and protects it while it heals. You’ll usually keep the splint for three to four weeks as your fractured finger heals. You’ll need to avoid strenuous activity for another two weeks afterward, but movement is usually very important at this point. Your provider may order physical therapy to help you regain motion.

If you have an unstable fracture, your provider may immobilize your finger with a splint after aligning the fragments of the fracture. Providers are usually able to do this procedure under local anesthesia. They usually inject a numbing solution (like at the dentist's office) into the nerves at the base of your finger.

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