How do bones heal?

How do bones heal?

The stiff tissues that make up your bones begin to heal right after they break. That's why it's so important to immediately align and protect them (that's what a cast does). Your avulsion fracture should heal in just a couple of steps. The steps include:

  • Your body creates a blood clot and callus around the fracture. A blood clot is a clump of blood that is more like a gel than a liquid. Firm collagen makes up a callus. The clot forms first, and then the callus replaces it. This protects the broken bones.
  • Bone cells grow out of the bone that broke off and also from the main bone. The cells form “threads” that grow outward and towards each other like reaching hands. The threads absorb the callus. The chunk of bone that separated from the main bone gets reattached to its place.

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