How can bubonic plague be prevented?

How can bubonic plague be prevented?

You can take the following steps to prevent bubonic plague:

  • Make your home and yard inhospitable to rodents (mice, rats, squirrels) and other wild animals. Don’t leave places for them to hide or food for them to eat. This means cleaning up clutter, brush and other items and being careful when feeding animals.
  • Use flea control products for your pets, especially those who are allowed to roam freely. Take sick pets to the veterinarian immediately.
  • Don’t let pets who roam freely sleep in your bed.
  • Wear protective clothing — especially gloves — if you handle dead animals.
  • Use insect repellent if you go into wooded locations or other places that may expose you to fleas. Look for repellents that use DEET or permethrin.

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