Can hearing loss be restored after removing an acoustic neuroma?

Can hearing loss be restored after removing an acoustic neuroma?

Sometimes, you may lose your hearing as a result of the tumor or surgery. In those cases, you usually can't regain your hearing. Your healthcare provider can talk to you about devices that can help if you lost hearing in one ear. These include:

  • CROS (contralateral routing of sound) aid: A microphone-like device worn on both sides. It takes sound received from the non-hearing ear and sends it to the hearing ear.
  • Bone conduction hearing implant: Surgeons anchor this device into the skull behind the non-hearing ear. The implant sends sound waves from the non-hearing ear to the hearing ear.
  • Auditory brainstem implant: This option is for people who have neurofibromatosis. Surgeons place the implant directly on the hearing centers of the brain, restoring some hearing function.

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