Can children have teeth grinding?

Can children have teeth grinding?

Like adults, children can have bruxism. Parents may hear their children grinding their teeth in their sleep. But bruxism in children may not lead to long-term damage. Children’s teeth and jaws change quickly, and they may outgrow bruxism by the time they lose their baby teeth.

Still, some children continue to grind their teeth until their teenage years. And regardless of age, teeth grinding in children can lead to:

  • Headaches.
  • Jaw pain.
  • TMJ disorders (jaw clicking and other problems).
  • Wear and tear on the teeth.

While stress is a main cause of bruxism in adults, that’s not usually the case with children. Teeth grinding in children may come from:

  • Allergies.
  • Misaligned teeth.
  • Mouth irritation.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Heredity.

Talk to a healthcare provider or dentist if your child’s teeth look worn or you hear grinding. Also get any complaints of jaw or teeth pain checked out. Your provider may recommend a night guard for teeth grinding. This night guard can help until they outgrow bruxism. If the bruxism turns out to be stress related, providers can also recommend stress relief options.

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