Can aortic dissection be prevented?

Can aortic dissection be prevented?

Many of the factors that increase the risk of developing aortic dissection can’t be changed, such as being born with certain heart conditions, connective tissue disorders, or genetic triggers associated with having a family history of aortic dissection. However, like many other medical diseases and conditions, you can decrease some of your risks by changing the risk factors that can be modified. These risks include:

  • Lowering high blood pressure to the goal of 120/80 mm/Hg with medication, dietary changes and other measures recommended by your healthcare provider.
  • Quitting smoking/using tobacco products and maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Wearing your seat belt to prevent injury to your chest in case of an accident.
  • Seeing your provider for regularly scheduled check-ups and any other times you experience a change in your health.

It’s important for first-degree relatives of a person who has had an aortic dissection to be screened for their risk of aortic disease. They can be closely followed and treated before an aortic event occurs.

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