Can any traditional medicines or treatments reduce the appearance of cellulite?

Can any traditional medicines or treatments reduce the appearance of cellulite?

Ginkgo biloba is an herbal product frequently used in traditional Chinese medicine. Studies show that ginkgo biloba may cause an increase in blood flow to many parts of the body. An increase in blood flow in your stomach, legs and butt may reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Grape-seed extract comes from grinding up grape seeds. Traditional European medicine has used grape-seed extract for a long time. Like ginkgo biloba, grape-seed extract may increase blood flow to many parts of the body, which can reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Cupping is a form of traditional Chinese and Middle Eastern medicine. A healthcare provider places cups on parts of your body, and suction force pulls your skin upward. Small studies show that cupping may decrease the amount of cellulite in your body. However, there’s not yet enough research to draw definite conclusions.

Dry brushing involves using a dry, stiff-bristled brush to massage your skin. When you dry brush your skin, your skin temporarily puffs up due to increased blood circulation. There are claims that dry brushing can reduce cellulite. However, there isn’t any proof that dry brushing reduces the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite appears to go away, but it’s likely a temporary reduction because your skin has puffed up.

Many people use handheld massage devices, foam rollers or cellulite rollers to try to break up cellulite. There isn’t any evidence that suggests these tools improve the long-term appearance of cellulite.

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