Can a chalazion be prevented?

Can a chalazion be prevented?

You may be able to avoid getting a chalazion by following good hygiene. Some essential elements of good hygiene include:

  • Hand-washing: Wash your hands thoroughly and often. Before you touch your eyes, make sure to wash your hands.
  • Contact lens care: Wash your hands before removing contact lenses. Make sure to thoroughly clean your contacts with a disinfectant and lens cleaning solution. Always throw daily and limited-time contacts away on schedule.
  • Face-washing: Wash your face daily to remove dirt and makeup before going to bed. Your healthcare provider may recommend cleaning your eyelids with a special scrub or baby shampoo, especially if you’re prone to blepharitis.
  • Makeup hygiene: Throw away all of your old or expired makeup. Be sure to replace mascara and eye shadow every two to three months. Also, never share or use another person’s makeup.

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