Are advanced maternal age pregnancies treated differently by doctors?

Are advanced maternal age pregnancies treated differently by doctors?

Not really. Healthcare providers typically don't treat you differently just because you are of advanced maternal age. However, if genetic screening tests indicate your baby may have a congenital disorder, your provider may refer you to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist. This is someone who specializes in higher-risk pregnancies. Other times you may have more frequent prenatal visits with your regular provider or have testing done sooner. For example, an earlier glucose screening test (to check for signs of gestational diabetes) or more ultrasounds or fetal heart rate monitoring to ensure that your baby is doing well. If you have other risk factors for preeclampsia, your doctor may recommend that you take a baby aspirin daily throughout most of your pregnancy to decrease your risk of developing this condition.

Your prenatal care is more important as you age just because your risks for certain conditions increases. So, it's more important than ever to attend all appointments or screenings, eat a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight through your pregnancy.

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