What is the outlook for people with an avulsed tooth?

What is the outlook for people with an avulsed tooth?

Prompt treatment of a tooth avulsion can save your original tooth. Good dental hygiene and regular checkups can help extend the life of your tooth.

Your tooth may still serve you for many years, but providers can’t predict how long your reinserted tooth may last. Many complications can affect tooth reimplantation, including:

  • Ankylosis occurs when your tooth fuses to the bone and starts sinking into the gum tissue.
  • Apical periodontitis is inflammation of the tissue surrounding your teeth.
  • Inflammatory root resorption is a breakdown of your tooth’s root structure. This can cause your tooth to loosen.
  • Pulp canal obliteration (PCO) involves hard tissue deposits along the walls of the root canal. PCO is usually painless but can lead to pulp necrosis.
  • Pulp necrosis results when the pulp (tissue in the center of your teeth) dies. Pulp necrosis may lead to complete removal of the tooth or root canal.

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