What are the symptoms of chilblain lupus?

What are the symptoms of chilblain lupus?

Chilblain lupus causes red or purple skin patches or sores. Usually, these sores appear on your:

  • Fingers.
  • Heels.
  • Soles of your feet.
  • Toes.

Less commonly, you may get sores on the palms of your hands, knees, nose or ears. Typically, these sores appear or worsen in cold or wet weather.

Chilblain symptoms may also include:

  • Blisters or ulcers, open sores caused by poor blood circulation.
  • Depigmentation, patches of skin lightening or losing color.
  • Heel fissures, deep cracks in the skin on your heels.
  • Hyperkeratosis, skin thickening.
  • Raynaud’s phenomenon, temporary blood restriction in your fingers and toes.

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