Some Feng Shui masters say that if the arrow in Lo Pan is unstable in the house, then the house is haunted. He must drive away the evil spirit and bless the house. Is it true?

Some Feng Shui masters say that if the arrow in Lo Pan is unstable in the house, then the house is haunted. He must drive away the evil spirit and bless the house. Is it true?

Lo Pan's arrow is unstable in cases where the electromagnetic field in the house is unstable. This may be due to the variable strength of the electric current in the wires somewhere nearby, or due to another unknown source of magnetic instability. In fact, Lo Pan's readings inside the house in the modern world are not accurate, especially in multi-story buildings.
Feng Shui practitioners who use Lo Pan to "trace the paths" of energy within a home are simply fooling their clients.
Lo Pan is used only to determine the back and front of the building. It should be used outside the house, where there is no interference that affects the electromagnetic field.
Anyone who moves around inside the house holding Lo Pan is simply playing in front of the customers.

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