Question: Where to invest 600 euros of monthly savings on average?

Question: Where to invest 600 euros of monthly savings on average?


It is essential to have a savings medium adapted to you. If the monthly savings capacity is between 600 and 800 euros, where should you put your money?

For a young part-time employee on a permanent contract, it would be interesting to start by opening a tax-exempt youth booklet. The rate of this savings solution is equal to that of the livret A. However, it varies from one bank to another.

The housing savings plan (PEL) can also help in the purchase of a future home, while constituting a personal contribution. In four years, this product makes it possible to borrow under good conditions. The minimum payment is 45 euros per month. In addition, it is also possible to buy first shares within the attractive framework of the equity savings plan (PEA).

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