Question: how to invest your savings at 90

Question: how to invest your savings at 90

I would like an objective opinion to invest my savings while avoiding expenses for my children during my succession; I am a widow, 90 years old and I have bank books (Livret A LDD Lep and 1 small life insurance (€15,000) since 2007. Should everything be placed in life insurance and will this be exempt from inheritance costs?

If necessary, can I withdraw money?

Thank you very much for your advice


Are the sums you wish to invest limited to the amounts deposited in your savings accounts?

Does the amount of your taxable assets (i.e. all of your assets less debts and excluding life insurance contract) exceed the amount of allowances to which each child is entitled, i.e. €100,000 ?

By answering these quesitons, we will be able to guide you better,

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