My computer has a virus. What should I do?

My computer has a virus. What should I do?

If you discover that your computer - for example the boot sector - has been infected with a virus or worms, the first thing to do is to remain calm. Then do not open any website for which you need a login and do not use online banking. For more security, you can disconnect the computer from the Internet. Then the device can at least no longer send any data to the criminals.

If you have installed the latest virus protection program, you should turn off the computer. Then restart the PC in safe mode and run a virus scan with the antivirus program. Once the software has found, isolated and destroyed the virus, restart the computer. Then run a scan again.

If after doing this you still find that your computer behaves differently, you should back up all your important files and then reinstall your operating system. This will delete or overwrite all infected data.

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