How do whales reproduce?

How do whales reproduce?

The reproduction process of whales is sexual and begins with a mating ritual that varies according to the species: it can include songs or vocalizations of low-frequency melodic tones, jumps out of the water, swimming together with gentle rubbing, competition between males, among others.

The approximate age of sexual maturity for whales is six years. During mating, the male and female get closer and closer until coupling is achieved in which penetration can last between 10 and 30 seconds.

The mating season varies according to the hemisphere in which they live:

Northern hemisphere . The mating season is usually between the months of August and September.

southern hemisphere . The mating season is usually between the months of April and May.

Whales are cetaceans that belong to the group of viviparous mammals, that is, fertilization and gestation occur within the body of the female.

Gestation period of whales . It can vary according to each species, for example:

White whale: 14 months

Bowhead or Bowhead whale: 12 months

Minke whale: 14 months

Blue whale: 10-12 months

Humpback whale: 11 months

Gray whale: 12-13 months

Bowhead whale: 12-16 months

Minke whale: 10 months

Right whale: 12 months

Beluga whale: 14-15 months

Narwhal whale: 10-16 months

Sperm whale: 16 months

Female whales migrate to warm waters to give birth, because the calves are born with little fat and do not yet have enough protection to withstand the freezing temperatures of the oceans. The female gives birth once every two years and usually a single calf is born, which is suckled until it is 6 months old.