How can I prevent broken bones?

How can I prevent broken bones?

You can prevent many fractures by avoiding falls, staying in shape and getting the right vitamins and minerals.

Avoiding falls

Following certain tips can help you stay upright indoors and out.


  • Balance: Consider balance training and physical therapy if your body feels off. Use a cane or walker if you need to.
  • Clutter removal: Keep your rooms picked up. Make sure wires and cords don’t cross walkways.
  • Lights: Make sure your rooms all have good lighting.
  • Rugs: Use skid-free mats under any rugs you need.
  • Shoes: Wear shoes – not just socks – when you’re home.
  • Vision: Check your eyesight with an eye exam by an optometrist.


  • Attention: Pay attention to your surroundings. Watch for anything that could turn into an obstacle or cause you to trip.
  • Balance: Use a cane or walker and wear rubber-soled shoes for a better grip.
  • Curbs: Take care at curbs. Watch your footing as you step up.
  • Lights: Leave a porch light on if you will come home after dark.
  • Weather: Keep sidewalks, driveways and steps free of ice and snow. Use salt to help keep them clear.

Staying fit

Weight-bearing exercise such as walking helps keep bones healthy and strong. Exercises that build or maintain muscles can also improve balance.

Eating right

To promote bone strength, watch your diet. Make sure to get 1200 to 1500 milligrams (mg) of calcium each day. Also get 800 to 1000 international units (IU) of vitamin D. Certain foods provide good sources of these nutrients:

  • Almonds.
  • Beans such as chickpeas, black beans and tofu.
  • Dairy such as milk and yogurt.
  • Eggs.
  • Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and kale.
  • Whole grains such as brown rice, oats and rye.

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