Which syndromes are associated with dextrocardia?

Which syndromes are associated with dextrocardia?

Many people with dextrocardia have an additional congenital syndrome including:

  • Heterotaxy: This condition causes mirrored organs in your chest and abdomen. But those organs aren’t formed properly or don’t work as they should. This condition can affect your heart, lungs, liver, gallbladder, intestines and spleen. It can lead to serious complications.
  • Asplenia: This means you were born without a spleen. Some people with heterotaxy have this condition. It causes you to be more vulnerable to infections.
  • Malrotation: People with malrotation have intestines that aren’t formed properly. They may coil in the wrong direction. This can lead to digestive issues.
  • Kartagener syndrome: This is a type of primary ciliary dyskinesia. It’s caused by a genetic change (mutation) that affects the small hairs (cilia) in your respiratory tract. It leads to frequent infections in your lungs and sinuses.

Associated syndromes and heart defects cause problems for people with dextrocardia. These issues often need treatment or long-term care.

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