Which other heart conditions are similar to dextrocardia?

Which other heart conditions are similar to dextrocardia?

Dextrocardia is a right-sided cardiac malposition. This means your heart is in the right side of your chest when it should be in the left side. Other right-sided cardiac malpositions include dextroposition and dextroversion. The names sound very similar, so it’s easy to get them confused. Here’s what each term means:

  • Dextrocardia: Your heart is in the right side of your chest and points to the right. It’s a “mirror image” of a typical heart. Your heart formed this way before you were born. So it’s sometimes called “primary dextrocardia.”
  • Dextroposition: Your heart has shifted from the left side to the right side of your chest. It still points to the left. Lung problems or other issues unrelated to your heart cause this shift. This is sometimes called “secondary dextrocardia.”
  • Dextroversion: Your heart is in the right side of your chest and also rotated.

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