When is it necessary to call a doctor if you have diabetes?

When is it necessary to call a doctor if you have diabetes?

Call a healthcare provider in the following situations:

  • If you have diabetes and your blood sugar is 300 mg/dL or higher two times in a row for an unknown reason.
  • If you have a low blood sugar (less than 70 mg/dL) that has not come up after three treatments, call your healthcare provider or 911.
  • If you see a person with diabetes who appears confused, they may be having a low blood sugar episode. Left untreated, the low blood sugar could lead to a diabetes-related coma. If the person is still able to follow instructions, give him or her something to drink or eat and call for an ambulance or 911.
  • If you see someone with diabetes become unresponsive, call 911.

If you do call 911, let the responders know that the person has diabetes if they’re not able to communicate. If you do have diabetes, you may want to wear a medical identification item like a bracelet or necklace.

When you are taken to a healthcare facility, providers will do a physical examination and take blood to determine levels of glucose, ketones and other substances.

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