What tests will be done to diagnose this condition?

What tests will be done to diagnose this condition?

Your healthcare provider may order several tests or procedures when diagnosing abnormal uterine bleeding. These tests may include:

  • pregnancy test. A miscarriage causes heavy bleeding. You can test positive on a pregnancy test up to 35 days after a miscarriage. Light bleeding is also common in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Blood tests. Your provider can check how your blood clots and do a complete blood count.
  • A thyroid test. Problems with your thyroid function may be a sign that there is also a problem with your ovary function that could be causing your bleeding.
  • Hormone levels test. Hormone imbalances may be causing your abnormal bleeding, or they may be a sign of a condition causing your bleeding.
  • hysteroscopic exam of your uterus lining (endometrium). This test checks for fibroids, polyps or signs of cancer.
  • pelvic ultrasoundImaging allows your provider to check for any growths in your reproductive organs that may be causing your bleeding. A sonohysterogram, also called saline-infusion sonography, is a highly sensitive imaging procedure that can help your provider identify abnormal structures in your uterus, like polpys or fibroids.
  • biopsy of your endometrium. Your provider can collect tissue samples from your uterus lining and check for signs of cancer or pre-cancer cells.

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