What should I expect if I have coronary artery disease? Can it be cured?

What should I expect if I have coronary artery disease? Can it be cured?

Technically coronary artery disease can’t be cured. If you’ve been diagnosed with coronary artery disease, follow your healthcare provider’s treatment plan to help prevent your condition from getting worse. Your treatment plan may include procedures and surgery to increase the blood supply to your heart, lifestyle changes to target your risk factors and medications.

If your coronary artery disease has led to a heart attack, your healthcare provider can recommend a cardiac rehabilitation program to reduce your risk of future heart problems, regain strength and improve the quality of your life.

It's important to keep all follow-up appointments and have all tests ordered by your healthcare provider. These are needed to keep track of your condition, monitor how well your treatment plan is working and make adjustments if needed.

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