What should I expect if I have been diagnosed with dysautonomia?

What should I expect if I have been diagnosed with dysautonomia?

No one can know for sure what your life will look like living with dysautonomia. Symptoms vary from person to person. The severity of the condition varies from person to person – from mild and manageable to severe and disabling. The course of the condition changes too – in some people, symptoms are always present; in others symptoms appear for weeks or months or years, disappear, and then reappear. In other words, dysautonomia is unpredictable.

Because of all these variables, it’s important to find a healthcare provider who you are comfortable with and who is knowledgeable in dysautonomia. You may want to start a health diary to share with your healthcare provider. In this daily diary, you can record your symptoms, events that possibly triggered your symptoms, and how you are feeling emotionally. This information can help develop and tweak your plan of care.

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