What resources available for people with Down syndrome and their families?

What resources available for people with Down syndrome and their families?

Many resources are available to people with Down syndrome and their families. Parents of children with Down syndrome may need support with the special needs of their infants and toddlers. Many families join Down syndrome support groups to share experiences and ways to help their children live a healthy, full life.

People with Down syndrome will likely need assistance throughout their lives. In addition to ongoing therapies, this could include help with education, employment and living independently. A variety of organizations offer resources to help educate and empower people living with Down syndrome and their families.

The National Down Syndrome Society and the National Association for Down Syndrome are two of the most common resources people use for more information and support. Other resources include:

  • Brighter Tomorrows
    Brighter Tomorrows is a resource for parents who have received a diagnosis of Down syndrome either prenatally or at birth. Get answers to common questions, learn more about the condition and experience stories of other parents touched by Down syndrome.
  • Down Syndrome Pregnancy
    Information and support to expectant parents preparing for the birth of a baby with Down syndrome.
  • International Mosaic Down Syndrome Association
    Offers support and resources to families of and people with mosaic Down syndrome.

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