What outcome can I expect if I have an epidural hematoma (EDH)?

What outcome can I expect if I have an epidural hematoma (EDH)?

The outcome of epidural hematoma (EDH) varies greatly from person to person. Factors that affect outcome include:

  • Your level of consciousness immediately after the head injury and upon hospital arrival.
  • The amount of time that has passed between the injury and treatment.
  • Your eye (pupil) response/eye movement, verbal response (ability to talk, make sense), physical response (follow commands to move, have normal muscle movements and reactions).
  • Your age.

In general, if you have a typical EDP, your prognosis is good if the hematoma is discovered quickly and removed and you haven’t slipped into a coma. EDHs caused by a bleeding artery develop rapidly and can be found quickly. EDHs caused by a tear in a vein develop more slowly, which can delay finding and treating them. The larger the size of the hematoma, the lower the odds of a good outcome.

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