What is the treatment plan for a disorder of sex differentiation (DSD)?

What is the treatment plan for a disorder of sex differentiation (DSD)?

Treatment of a child with DSD should start by assuring the family that their child will likely become a well-adjusted, functional member of society. It is important to diagnose the type of DSD correctly as soon as possible to advise the parents appropriately. In the meantime, the healthcare team may ask you to postpone registering your child’s birth for some days.

When the test results are back, specialists will explain the results to you, and discuss whether you should raise your child as a boy or a girl. Most children do not need emergency treatment for a DSD.

DSD is best managed by team of healthcare providers. The specialists may include a pediatric urologist, a psychiatrist, and a pediatric endocrinologist, in addition to the primary care doctor. The team will help the parents, and possibly the child, to decide among treatments that may include medications, hormones, and surgery. The decisions may include postponing treatment until a child is able to provide his or her input.

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