What is the outlook for people with acanthamoeba keratitis?

What is the outlook for people with acanthamoeba keratitis?

The earlier you receive a diagnosis and treatment for acanthamoeba, the better your outlook. Research suggests that people who seek treatment at the first signs of infection are 10 times more likely to recover with vision of 20/25 (mild vision loss) or better. The outlook is poor if the infection is already in the deep parts of the eye.

If you do experience vision loss from this infection, there are a variety of ways you can find support. You may be able to better cope with vision loss by:

  • Asking your healthcare provider about low-vision aids such as telescopic glasses or hand magnifiers.
  • Seeking counseling if you feel depressed or overwhelmed.
  • Talking with loved ones and caregivers about your condition.

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