What is concussion protocol?

What is concussion protocol?

Concussion protocol is an organization’s set of policies and procedures for caring for someone who has had a head injury. Even though concussions aren’t limited to sports, concussion protocol is most often associated with sports-related head injury.

The people involved in making sure the concussion protocol is followed include trained healthcare providers with knowledge of concussion care, athletic trainers, school nurse/counselor/teachers, rehabilitation specialists and parents.

A concussion protocol includes such information as:

  • Education on concussion definition, signs and symptoms, and management.
  • Pre-season baseline brain function test (ImPACT test or equivalent) of reaction time, memory, speed of mental processing and other factors per individual player.
  • State law criteria for removing a player from activity.
  • Sideline assessment of the head injury (includes comparison to pre-season ImPACT test or equivalent baseline results).
  • School adjustments (shorter days, more breaks, extra time to finish assignments, etc.) during recovery.
  • Gradual return to activity via a gradual process of small increases in activity.

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