What is anuria?

What is anuria?

Anuria literally means no urine, or without urine. In practical terms, it means that your kidneys aren’t producing urine (pee) or that you aren’t peeing (anuresis). Anuria’s the most severe form of oliguria, which means that your kidneys aren’t producing enough urine. Your healthcare provider might refer to this condition as anuria or anuresis.

Measuring and testing urine can tell your healthcare provider a lot about your health. Normal urine production is more than 500 milliliters (mL) or 17 ounces (oz) per day. Oliguria is defined as having only 100 mL to 400 mL (3.3 to 13.5 oz) of urine per day and anuria (the most extreme of all of these) is defined as urine production of zero to 100 mL (0 to 3.3 oz) per day.

Anuria isn’t really a disease itself, but it’s a symptom of some other condition.

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