What causes dry skin?

What causes dry skin?

A lack of moisture within the layers of your skin causes dry skin. Factors that cause dry skin include:

  • Age: As you age, your skin’s moisture-producing oil glands dry up. This causes the fat and collagen (elasticity) in your skin to also dry up, which leads to thinning skin. This is a natural part of your body’s aging process.
  • Climate: The temperature of your environment can affect your skin’s hydration. Climates that lack humidity like desert-like climates or cold climates where there’s heavy wind cause dry skin. Dry skin is often worse during the winter, but dry skin can occur year-round.
  • Health conditions and genetics: You could be more at risk of getting dry skin if you’re born with genes that make you more prone to it or you have a health condition that causes dry skin as a symptom. Some conditions that lead to dry skin include allergies, eczema, diabetes and kidney disease.
  • Occupations: Certain professions can lead to dry skin, especially if you work outdoors, with chemicals or wash your hands frequently. Some professions that make you more likely to develop dry skin include healthcare providers, hairstylists and farmers.

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