What causes dermatitis?

What causes dermatitis?

Dermatitis is caused by a combination of immune system activation, genetics and environmental triggers.

  • Immune system. Sometimes your immune system overreacts. If you have atopic dermatitis, your immune system reacts to seemingly small irritants or allergens. This causes inflammation.
  • Genetics. Researchers have observed that if others in your family have dermatitis, you’re more likely to have it. Additionally, experts have identified changes to genes that control a protein that helps your body maintain healthy skin. Your skin cannot remain healthy without normal levels of that protein.
  • Environment. Your environment may make your immune system change the protective barrier of your skin. That causes more moisture to escape, and that can lead to dermatitis. Possible environmental factors include exposure to tobacco smoke and some types of air pollutants. Fragrances in some skin products and soap are also possible.
  • Exposure. Some types of dermatitis are caused by exposure to chemicals and other irritants. Perioral dermatitis, for example, may be caused by exposure to fluoride in water or toothpaste.

If you have dermatitis, you might also have another condition that doesn’t cause it, but is often found alongside it:

  • Sleep loss.
  • Depression.
  • Anxiety.
  • Asthma.
  • Allergies.

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