What causes depersonalization disorder?

What causes depersonalization disorder?

Researchers don’t know what causes these disorders. In up to half of the cases, healthcare providers cannot identify what triggers the disorder.

Biological and environmental factors may play a role. Some people may be at higher risk for developing a dissociative disorder due to:

  • A nervous system that’s less reactive to emotions.
  • Certain personality or other mental health disorders.
  • Physical conditions, such as a seizure disorder.

Dissociative disorders can also occur after intense stress or trauma, such as:

  • A parent with severe mental illness.
  • Abuse (witnessing or experiencing it).
  • Accidents.
  • Life-threatening danger.
  • Natural disasters.
  • Sudden death of a loved one.
  • Violence.
  • War.

Other causes include:

  • Certain drugs, such as hallucinogens.
  • Being very tired.
  • Sleep deprivation or sensory stimulation, which may happen in an intensive care unit.

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