What causes dependent personality disorder (DPD)?

What causes dependent personality disorder (DPD)?

Mental health experts haven’t figured out what causes DPD. They believe it results from a mix of genetics, environment and development. Experts have found DPD is more likely in people with particular life experiences, including:

  • Abusive relationships: People who have a history of abusive relationships have a higher risk of a DPD diagnosis.
  • Childhood trauma: Children who have experienced child abuse (including verbal abuse) or neglect may develop DPD. It may also affect people who experienced a life-threatening illness during childhood.
  • Family history: Someone with a family member who has DPD or another anxiety disorder may be more likely to have a DPD diagnosis.
  • Certain cultural and religious or family behaviors: Some people may develop DPD due to cultural or religious practices that emphasize reliance on authority. But passivity or politeness alone is not a sign of DPD.

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