What causes anal itching?

What causes anal itching?

Anal itching has many causes.

The skin in your perianal area is sensitive. Scented soaps, powders, lotions, creams and ointments can cause an allergic reaction. You may also irritate your skin if you wipe with rough toilet paper or use a rough washcloth or hot water to clean the area.

It’s important to thoroughly wipe your anus after pooping. Your perianal area may itch when poop remains in the folds of your anus. How often you poop and its form may also play a role in anal itching. You’re more likely to have anal itching if you poop three or fewer times a week (constipation) or if you have diarrhea.

What you eat and drink may also cause anal itching, including:

  • Dairy products.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea and soda pop).
  • Acidic or spicy foods (tomatoes, citrus fruits, hot peppers and raw garlic).

Your clothing can also affect the skin in the area. Tight underwear or pants can trap heat and moisture (sweat) around your anus, making itching even worse.

Other causes of anal itching include:


Hemorrhoids are swollen, enlarged veins that form inside and outside your anus and rectum. Large hemorrhoids outside of your anus (external hemorrhoids) can make it difficult to wipe away poop after using the bathroom. Hemorrhoids inside your rectum (internal hemorrhoids) may cause bleeding or a leaky anus (fecal soiling or incontinence), which can irritate your skin.

Yeast infections

A fungal body (yeast) called candida causes yeast infections. Yeast is a type of fungus, and candida is a specific type of yeast. Yeast infections may start in your vagina or anus. They may also cause discoloration, swelling or small cuts or cracks in your skin in the area.

Anal fissures

Anal fissures are tears in the lining of your anus or anal canal (the opening through which poop passes out of your body). Trauma to the area is the leading cause of anal fissures. Trauma may include constipation, straining while pooping, long periods of diarrhea, anal sex or anal stretching.

HPV and Warts

Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a very common virus that can affect your genitals as well as your rectum and anus. HPV causes genital warts.

Genital warts are a type of sexually transmitted disease (STD). The disease causes small bumps or growths (warts) to form in and around your genitals and perianal area. Genital warts may also cause mild bleeding, discomfort and a burning sensation.


Pinworms (threadworms) are tiny white or light gray worms. Pinworms are parasites, which means they depend on other living things (hosts) to get nutrients so they can grow and multiply. Parasites cause harm to their hosts.

Pinworms live in the intestines and rectums of infected people. They lay their eggs around your anus at night, which causes the area to itch.

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