What can I expect if I have anomalous coronary artery?

What can I expect if I have anomalous coronary artery?

If you’ve had surgery to correct the problem, you can go back to sports activities three months after surgery. You can have a normal life, but will need to get regular medical checkups.

How long does anomalous coronary artery last?

Since anomalous coronary artery is a problem you’re born with, it will always be there unless you have surgery.

Outlook for anomalous coronary artery

If your baby has ALCAPA and doesn’t receive treatment, there’s a 90% chance it will be fatal. In a small number of cases, people grow to be adults with no symptoms or have symptoms as adults. The outlook is good if your provider treats ALCAPA before problems happen. However, there isn’t much information about long-term benefits of treating anomalous coronary arteries.

For AAOCA, surgical unroofing gets rid of symptoms and protects you from sudden death.

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