What can I expect if I have a cystic hygroma?

What can I expect if I have a cystic hygroma?

The prognosis is dependent on when your provider diagnoses the cystic hygroma, whether the cyst is the result of an underlying condition and the location and size of the cyst.

Surgery to remove the cyst leads to a good prognosis if your surgeon can safely remove excess tissue within the cyst. If your surgeon is unable to safely remove the excess tissue surrounding the cyst, there is a 15% chance that the cyst could return.

Early diagnosis and treatment lead to the best outcome and reduce your child’s risk of developing complications from the cyst, like organ damage and cosmetic abnormalities.

There is an increased risk of miscarriage and stillbirth in cystic hygroma cases that form in combination with chromosome abnormalities like Down syndrome. Your healthcare provider will monitor the progress of your developing fetus to make sure it is healthy during your pregnancy.

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