What are the types of epispadias in males?

What are the types of epispadias in males?

Providers classify epispadias based on the meatus’ exact location. Its location affects how well the bladder can store urine.

The closer the meatus is to the base of the penis, the more likely the condition also affects the bladder sphincter and urine control. The bladder sphincter opens and closes to release or hold urine.

In boys, types of epispadias include:

  • Glanular epispadias: This is the most common type. The meatus is on top of the glans (head of the penis).
  • Penile epispadias: The meatus is along the penis shaft.
  • Penopubic epispadias: The meatus is near the pubic bone. The pelvic bones don’t come together, and the sphincter can’t close completely.

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