What are the types of corticobasal degeneration?

What are the types of corticobasal degeneration?

Corticobasal syndrome is a term used to specify that the symptoms, taken together, are similar to corticobasal degeneration. Many underlying neurodegenerative diseases can be caused by corticobasal syndrome, including:

  • Progressive supranuclear palsy. Approximately 1 in 4 people have a type that resembles progressive supranuclear palsy. It affects balance, eye movement, speech and swallowing.
  • Frontotemporal dementia. About 15% of people have frontotemporal dementia. They may struggle to organize their thoughts and behave in inappropriate, uninhibited ways.
  • Dementia. An estimated 5% develop a type of dementia that’s similar to Alzheimer’s disease. They have problems with memory and gauging spatial distances between themselves and other people or objects.
  • Aphasia. Five percent have language problems or aphasia. They have trouble finding the right words to say and become unable to follow grammar rules.

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