What are the symptoms of androgen insensitivity syndrome?

What are the symptoms of androgen insensitivity syndrome?

The most common symptom across all forms of AIS is infertility. People with CAIS won’t be able to get pregnant or make their partners pregnant. They have genitals that appear female, but they don’t have female reproductive organs. It’s very rare for people with PAIS or MAIS to make their partners pregnant. Even if they have a very small penis, sperm production is usually low or non-existent.

Other signs and symptoms of CAIS include:

  • Abnormally tall stature for a female during puberty.
  • Amenorrhea (no menstrual periods).
  • Little or no pubic hair or underarm hair during puberty.
  • Narrow or shallow vagina.
  • Undescended testicles (testicles that are still in your abdominal cavity).

Other signs and symptoms of PAIS can include:

  • Bifid scrotum (scrotum splits in two).
  • Clitoromegaly (large clitoris).
  • Gynecomastia (enlarged male breast tissue).
  • Hypospadias (the urethra’s hole is on the underside of your penis instead of the tip).
  • Labial adhesions (lips of skin around your vagina seal shut).
  • Micropenis (abnormally small penis).
  • Partially undescended testicles.

Other signs and symptoms of MAIS include:

  • Gynecomastia.
  • Micropenis.
  • Sparse body hair.

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