What are the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in people with Down syndrome?

What are the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in people with Down syndrome?

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in people with Down syndrome may be different than those typically seen in others with Alzheimer’s disease. For example, in the early stages of the disease, memory loss may not be the first change noted. In fact, it may be difficult to notice symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease because of the already present limitations in memory and functioning in the person with Down syndrome. More often, the early changes seen in people with Down syndrome may be those affecting personality, behavior, and overall function.

More specifically, these symptoms may include:

  • Decreased interest in social interaction
  • Less interest in hobbies and previously “loved” activities and events
  • Increase in irritability, agitation, aggressiveness, sadness, anxiety
  • Loss of previously mastered skills
  • Changes in sleep pattern, more restlessness
  • Lowered attention span; loss of concentration
  • Increase in compulsions
  • Onset of negative and self-critical comments
  • Onset of confusion/disorientation
  • Loss of energy, tiredness, loss of “spark for life”
  • Loss of ability to complete tasks with multiple steps
  • Loss of balance/coordination when walking
  • Development of seizures

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