What are the signs and symptoms of epileptic seizures?
What are the signs and symptoms of epileptic seizures?
The main symptom of epilepsy is recurring seizures. Your symptoms, however, vary depending on the type of seizure you have.
Seizure signs and symptoms include:
- Temporary loss of awareness or consciousness.
- Uncontrolled muscle movements, muscle jerking, loss of muscle tone.
- Blank stare or “staring into space” look.
- Temporary confusion, slowed thinking, problems with talking and understanding.
- Changes in hearing, vision, taste, smell, feelings of numbness or tingling.
- Problems talking or understanding.
- Upset stomach, waves of heat or cold, goosebumps.
- Lip-smacking, chewing motion, rubbing hands, finger motions.
- Psychic symptoms, including fear, dread, anxiety or déjà vu.
- Faster heart rate and/or breathing.
Most people with epilepsy tend to have the same type of seizure, so have similar symptoms with each seizure.