What are the signs and symptoms of dermatitis?

What are the signs and symptoms of dermatitis?

The symptoms depend on the type of dermatitis. You may have one type, or you may have several. Each type may have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Itching.
  • Red rashes and bumps.
  • Rashes that look and/or feel like a burn.
  • Dry skin.
  • Fluid-filled blisters.
  • Thickening, hardening and swelling skin.
  • Crusting, scaling and creasing skin.
  • Painful ulcers.
  • When scratched, the rashes may ooze fluid or bleed.

Here are examples of signs and symptoms of common types of dermatitis:

  • Atopic dermatitis (eczema). Atopic dermatitis happens when there is damage to the skin barrier. This causes the skin to become inflamed, red, dry, bumpy and itchy.
  • Contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis is an allergic or irritant reaction that causes a painful or itchy skin rash. As the name suggests, you get contact dermatitis from coming into contact with an allergen. Examples include an allergen like poison ivy and an irritant like a chemical.
  • Cradle cap (infant seborrheic dermatitis). Cradle cap is a harmless skin condition on the scalp of a baby that appears as yellow scaly patches surrounded by a red rash.
  • Diaper dermatitis (rash). As the name suggests, diaper dermatitis is when a rash appears on any part of a baby’s skin covered by a diaper. The skin gets broken down by wetness, movement and waste products.
  • Dyshidrotic dermatitis. This type of dermatitis causes itchy blisters on the edges of your fingers, palms, toes and the soles of your feet. The blisters can be painful.
  • Neurodermatitis. This type of dermatitis is caused by intense itching that irritates the nerve endings of the skin.
  • Nummular dermatitis. If you have circular, itchy spots on your skin, you might have nummular dermatitis. Your skin gets dry and itchy and you may get open sores.
  • Periorificial dermatitis: Periorificial dermatitis looks like acne or rosacea. It develops around your mouth, eyes and nose.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff). Seborrheic dermatitis (called dandruff when it’s on your head) appears as red, dry, flaky, itchy skin on your scalp and other parts of your body.
  • Stasis dermatitis. Dermatitis of this type is caused by a problem with blood flow in your veins. Your ankles may swell and there may be scaling, itching, pain and open sores.

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